Addams Family- Lead Props Manager
Directors: Maggie Marlin-Hess and Matthew Vala
Music Director: Matthew Vala
Choreographer: Maggie Marlin-Hess
Intimacy/Violence: John Tovar
Scenic Designer: Mary Jungels-Goodyear
Costume Designer: Wendy Wallace
Hair and Makeup Designer: Lexi Metz
Lighting Designer: Jaden O'Berry
Sound Designers: Avery Cranston and Maggie Rausch
Assistant Props Managers: Wren Loghry, and Chelsea Broeker
Dramaturgs: Gustavo Nery and Markos Carmona
Stage Manager: Noah Davidson
Photos: Pete Guither

Yellow Bird
- Made template bird out of cardboard
- Shaped body using crumbled up newspaper
- Used papier mâché
- Cut head in half and reattached the head with red yarn so that Wednesday can pop the head off
Torture Device
- Repurposed a trunk and pirate wheel from stock to build the torture device
- Assembled pvc pipes and attached them to the trunk
- Used a pulley system that Pugsley could adjust based on a stretched, and relaxed position

Heretics Chair
-Repurposed a throne chair from stock
- When Gomez pulls the rope, a spike shoots up
- Built with a pulley mechanism, and spring so that the spike can be pulled out, and automatically retreat
Grim Reaper's Scythe
- Built a scythe out of bamboo stick, cardboard, and luan for a light weight scythe and easy to dance with
- Blade is covered in aluminum tape, and spray painted with gray spray paint, black spray paint, and metallic spray paint
- Bamboo stick was based in burnt umber, and woodgrained in black paint

Taxi Sign
- Sign built out of 1x4s, based in black and faced with luan with an opening
- Spray painted plexiglass and hot glued it to the sign
- Attached the sign to a light stand, and attached a light pull chain to inside of the sign